What is TDi? This is a question we are asked all the time, and have struggled to answer with real clarity.
TDi started as a private quest in response to societal problems, long before it became a public conversation which culminated into the entity today we call The Difference incubator, or TDi. It has been gathering momentum for a long time and slowly gaining a face and life.
I took over as CEO two years ago and was keen to help TDi find its next stage of consciousness and clarity. Over the past 12 months we embarked on an intentional process to help this come to life. Through this we have not only returned to our driving intent and our reason for being in the world but also created a more authentic expression of who we are as a brand. We hope you like it and most importantly that it brings clarity, allowing more of the invisible aspects of our work to be visible and to better describe our vision, values and what we do.
At TDi we acknowledge huge gaps in our economic system that perpetuate inequality, exclusion and climate crisis – and it’s frankly unsustainable. TDi has always been about demonstrating new possibilities and models for delivering social value to the world particularly through business.
It is about bringing together two worlds that have been firmly wedged apart, the world of business and the world of delivering social good. TDi has always played the convening role in the middle of these two worlds to dream and design a new reality and models that allow ‘doing good’ and ‘making money’ to coexist, building and contributing to each other. We are committed to activating these emerging models to address inequality, exclusion & sustainability. We believe that this will help us find new ways of doing business and create opportunities through trade, investment & capital flow. Ultimately this will contribute to securing peace and a shared prosperity.
The process we embarked on involved not only an internal conversation, digging deeper into our intent and mission but also a deep listening to you our partners and fellow journey people. We worked hard to hold up a mirror and hear what you had to say about us and how you saw TDi. We also wanted to better understand our audience and what they needed in this shared quest.
This process and the time we find ourselves in has strengthened our commitment to digging deep and discovering new ways of doing business and being in the world. Explore the our case studies and read about the true heroes of this story – the difference makers we work with.
Thank you for your partnership and commitment to help us to become the best version of ourselves.
On behalf of the TDi Team,
Anthea Smits
CEO, The Difference Incubator