our vision
at TDi we dream of an economy that is worthy of the human spirit.
an economy that is inclusive, embraces diversity, shares prosperity and is regenerative.
our story
TDi was started in 2010 as an experiment to bring together what had increasingly become two separate worlds – the world of making money, and the world of doing good. It was birthed out of donkey wheel foundation and funded by Myer Foundation, with early partners including NAB, McKinnon Foundation, and donkey wheel.
Over the years, working with hundreds of social entrepreneurs, investors and government, we began to realise that working within the existing economic system was not the answer. It was the economy itself that needed to change. We knew that this was entirely possible – since the economy is not a natural law. It is a mechanism created by humans, which means it can be re-created by humans to better serve the future we want to see.
Over the past three years we have gained a much clearer picture of the economy we want to see – one that is worthy of the human spirit – that is inclusive, diverse, regenerative and where prosperity is shared.
Economic development has become our focus.
After 10 years of learning and unlearning, we feel we have some strategic contributions to make at Impact and Ecosystem level.
View our Strategy here.

our role
TDi is a midwife to business owners, new ideas, and different ways of doing economic development that plant seeds for a better future.
We build capability, confidence and self-belief in individuals and organisations wanting to create an economy worthy of the human spirit.
our role
TDi is a midwife to business owners, new ideas, and different ways of doing economic development that plant seeds for a better future.
We build capability, confidence and self-belief in individuals and organisations wanting to create an economy worthy of the human spirit.
our role
TDi is a midwife to business owners, new ideas, and different ways of doing economic development that plant seeds for a better future.
We build capability, confidence and self-belief in individuals and organisations wanting to create an economy worthy of the human spirit.
How we contribute to change
We work in partnership with entrepreneurs and local communities who are tired of old economic systems and want to use their entrepreneurial talents, power, and voice to create alternatives.
Together we experiment and learn our way to a more regenerative and inclusive economy. We focus on three key impact areas that collectively provide transformative pathways to an emerging, better future. In doing so we aim to shift economic conditions now, whilst also contributing to a global movement that is demonstrating that it is possible to shift the way we do economic development to a more conscious, people-centred, and locally-led approach.
Our Theory of Change
This model is adapted from the Griffith Centre for Systems Innovation Three Horizons model.
We partner with those wanting to create a more regenerative and inclusive economy
We work in partnership with entrepreneurs and local communities who are tired of old economic systems, and want to use their entrepreneurial talents, power and voice, to create alternatives.
Together, we experiment and learn our way towards directional goals
We focus on three key impact areas that collectively provide transformative pathways to an emerging, better future.
In doing so, we shift economic conditions now, while also demonstrating what's possible for the future
It’s about creating positive impact now, whilst also contributing to a global movement – demonstrating that it is possible to shift the way we do economic development, to a more conscious, people-centred and locally-led approach..
our values
Be Curious
We enter with curiosity and the courage to say ‘I don’t know’. We’re in constant search of better questions, finding our way on untraveled paths.
Value Relationship
We cultivate connection through shared stories, truth spoken with kindness and humility. We believe in each person’s brilliance, we seek to draw out their magic and breathe life into the possibilities.
Pioneer a new way
We challenge givens, ‘too hards’, and ‘not possibles’. We pioneer new models. We inspire hope and possibility.
We work to reinvent the field, not just level it.
Be Uncompromising
It’s the uncompromising pioneering spirit that will take us to places we don’t dare to dream about. We look for the win-win that does not require compromise on either side of the social or financial equation.