Undercover at Two Feet: Piloting & Prototyping

Welcome to the third instalment of Undercover at Two Feet, where we cover each Two Feet topic as they unfold. From Intent, to Funding and Pitching, to Team and Governance, our Two Feeters are covering a lot of ground this year, and we want to take you inside.

Last week was Week 2 of Two Feet topic 4: Piloting & Prototyping, facilitated by Ryan Hubbard from the Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI), read on to go inside the session and find out what happened..

Date: Wednesday June 21

Location: Brisbane

Facilitator: Ryan Hubbard from TACSI

Session: Piloting & Prototyping

Vibe: Lots of eagerness and energy in the room as all the frameworks and tools we’ve been covering seem to be falling into place. A lot of sticky notes, people moving around the room, ideas and paper and post-its spread across various surfaces, and a mix of huddling together, bouncing ideas off each other and sitting reflectively in sunny spots for inspiration.

Lunch: Mini sandwiches, bagels and vegan rice paper rolls (yum!).

Playlist: Nick Waterhouse (US) & Clairy Browne and the Banging Rackets (MEL – although recently disbanded); contemporary artists bringing back old school jazz and rhythm & blues!


“If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they would’ve said a faster horse- Henry Ford (apparently Ford never said this, but a good quote nonetheless!)


Key Takeaways: The focus of a startup is learning! Framing assumptions, figuring out where we sit on the learning journey then getting out and talking to people. Small-scale experiments, testing lean and simply, learning and iterating quickly.

Key Attendants: A few designer minds in their element, including Ryan, with his slightly disappearing, pseudo Matthew McConaughey voice. A notable majority female presence of true WonderWomen, coinciding nicely with the box office release this month!

Key Moments: Our 30-second dance party to old school jazz & rhythm and blues; Bronte’s realisation that Ryan was sounding particularly McConaughey; and the round sharing what each enterprise will be prototyping or experimenting over the next fortnight!

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