blog posts


Don’t Underestimate the Impact of Finance

Don’t Underestimate the Impact of Finance

by Isaac Jeffries, Senior Consultant     I recently had coffee with a university student, who is passionate about social impact but unsure about how to get a job in the industry. She’s studying maths and economics, and surprised me with this pearler of a quote: “Finance is boring. The world does not need more finance graduates - it’s just moving numbers around” Now, I completely understand where this view comes from. Finance conjures up images of faceless men in suits, dull spreadsheets and corruption. I get why the idea of studying finance seems uninspiring to anyone ... READ MORE

Why We Need More Coaches and Fewer ‘Experts’ in International Development

Why We Need More Coaches and Fewer ‘Experts’ in International Development

 By Kate Wilson, TDi Associate   An intuitive mindset coach and mentor, Kate's insight and expertise is so valuable to our team – we hope it will be for you too. This post was originally published on Kate's website, Resources Reimagined and explores the vital role of coaches in growing women business owners.   Why do we need more coaches in international development? Let me answer this by focusing on the example of women business owners and how they are often supported by donor agencies….   What do women business owners really need? All across the world, women are creating. ... READ MORE

Mindset in Entrepreneurship: How to overcome self-limiting beliefs and thrive in your role

Mindset in Entrepreneurship: How to overcome self-limiting beliefs and thrive in your role

Anna Moegerlein, Deputy CEO TDi I’ve been at TDi for almost six years, and in that time I’ve worked with about 120 entrepreneurs. The one thing I’ve seen, over and over, is that we all get tripped up by our own mindsets. Our mindset has a big impact on our success in business. In fact, I think it’s often the biggest challenge in building a business.   When I say mindsets, I’m talking about the beliefs that we have about ourselves, others and the world. These beliefs are: often self-limiting and working at an unconscious level, so they can be hard to ... READ MORE

Holiday Recommendations – 21/22

Holiday Recommendations – 21/22

Looking for some reading, listening or watching recommendations for the holiday season?Throughout the year, in our Newsletter, we have shared various recommendations for reading, listening and watching. We share some of these below that you might like to enjoy over the holiday period. Simon Sinek often comes up in our conversations when we're talking about concepts and resources. We often use The Golden Circle framework that Sinek introduced in his Start with Why book when working with social enterprises and organisations. Annie recently came across this ABC interview with Ash Barty's ... READ MORE

How to use the Business Model Canvas in 9 Easy Steps

How to use the Business Model Canvas in 9 Easy Steps

When it comes to creating a new business, one question looms larger than all others: “Does this have potential?” The Business Model Canvas is a great starting point. This blog by TDi's Isaac Jeffries describes how to fill out it out. READ MORE

Holiday Reading Recommendations

Holiday Reading Recommendations

The TDi team spend a lot of time reading (or listening) to books and podcasts throughout the year. This year has been out of the ordinary, to say the least, so our reading and watching suggestions for this holiday season are a mix of fun and educational - just to match the mood of the year!Carlo Demaio Carlo is the proud Dad to a 1 year old daughter, so his recommendations reflect the most important role he plays. 'Spot Loves His Dad' - Eric Hill 'The Llama Who Had No Pajama' - Mary Anne Hobberman 'Dark Emu' - Brue Pascoe 'Australia Day' Stan Grant Podcast: 'How I built ... READ MORE

Finding motivation to continue business during COVID-19

Finding motivation to continue business during COVID-19

By Isaac Jeffries & Erin Wallis   As the current economic climate evolves with COVID-19, we have been sharing some perspective from both our own work and the continual conversations and support we’re offering others. Initially, we shared a metaphor about what this first felt like – like our house was burning down and we were setting up camp.  After a few weeks set up at camp, and many conversations by the campfire later, we then shared some perspective on what people were feeling and how they were coping.  Now five months into these altered conditions, we've started to hear ... READ MORE

Customer Empathy Interviewing

Customer Empathy Interviewing

When was the last time you asked your customers what they thought? We use Customer Empathy Interviews to help businesses deeply understand their customers and design competitive products and services. It’s also been one of our top coaching tips for business owners needing to adapt their business model during COVID-19. Our behaviours have changed significantly in a very short amount of time - for example: We might be spending less money on going out for dinner at our favourite restaurant, but have increased our spending on Ubereats or Hellofresh. Understanding things from your customers ... READ MORE

Business During COVID-19: In perspective

Business During COVID-19: In perspective

At TDi, we believe in the significance and power of small business’ and social enterprise’s contribution to life and the economy. It is this belief that drives us to support them now more than ever. READ MORE

Working from Home

Working from Home

It’s one thing to make the choice to work from home, but it’s another to be forced to for reasons beyond your control. Even the seasoned work from homers are feeling the pinch in this time of forced isolation – I am no exception!! Oh, and throw in supervision of remote learning for your children and it’s even more challenging. READ MORE

Doubling your revenue and doubling your profits: a bold but achievable challenge

Doubling your revenue and doubling your profits: a bold but achievable challenge

This week has been full of tough questions, soul searching, tears and laughter. The theme of the week has been “Doubling your revenue and doubling your profits” – a bold challenge, but one that’s achievable. Here are some of the interesting themes and lessons that came up in the accelerator… READ MORE

TDi’s Reading Guide

TDi’s Reading Guide

Annie, CEO – Annie is a perfectly primed systems-challenger, with experience in starting businesses, community leadership, impact-investing, and commercial business. I have many favourite reading resources.  I’m thankful that we live in a time where information and ideas can be so freely shared.  I’ve chosen Reinventing Organisations by Frederic Laloux. I remember when I first read this about 2.5 years ago it awakened and gave language to a stack of idea I’d been playing with.  I remember thinking “this is great, but is it really possible?” TDi has begun its ‘teal journey’ and we ... READ MORE

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