Adjusting your Business Strategy for COVID-19

TDi’s new offer for small business, social enterprise and NFP

The next few months are unclear, and business and organisation leaders are facing tough decisions and uncertainty. But the world needs you and we will work with you to navigate the change.

Business Continuity Coaching

We will offer coaching that focuses on these four questions:

  1. What do I need to do to secure my cashflow in this crisis? 
  2. What are my options?
  3. How do I make hard decisions with grace and dignity?
  4. How do I lead my team and stay sane myself?

Through a series of dedicated online video calls we will work with you so that you can lead your team with a strong plan to adapt to the crisis and make the most of the next 6 – 18 months.

Prototype New Idea

Got an idea for a new product, business idea or customer segment?

Milton Friedman once said, “only a crisis produces real change. When a crisis occurs, the actions taken depend on the ideas lying around.” From our conversations there are plenty of you reaching for those ideas and looking to make something of them.

We will work with you to identify, map, and test new products or new customers. This will take place over short video conferences using a series of questions and tools.



Please register your interest below and we’ll get back to you with more information.

We’re aware of the financial pressure on most businesses at the moment and we’re looking at how we can subsidise this support for those who really need it.

Stay tuned for details of our Business Continuity webinar – we’ll announce more next week.

Business Continuity Coaching Expression of Interest