Introducing TDi’s new CEO

After seven years building, piloting and growing TDi, Bessi Graham will be stepping down as CEO in December 2017, and Anthea Smits will be taking over as CEO.

With Bessi at the helm, TDi has achieved extraordinary outcomes, and we believe we haven’t even scratched the surface yet of what TDi will deliver over the coming years. As we move out of the early years and startup mode this is the perfect time for fresh leadership and new skills.

Bessi’s vision and commitment as a pioneer in the social enterprise and impact investment space has not only allowed TDi to flourish but has contributed significantly to the growth of the broader eco-system. Thanks to Bessi’s vision, TDi has been able to crack into a market in its infancy, and with her leadership we have found clarity and a method that allows us to make a real difference to communities around the world.

Corrine Proske, Chair of TDi’s Board said that “I have seen firsthand the need for TDi, to bridge the gap between the for purpose and for profit worlds. Not many people have been able to achieve this, so it is no insignificant feat that Bessi has managed to build a sustainable business in a sector that has for so long been reliant on grants and philanthropy to keep it afloat. I can say with confidence that this would not have happened if it wasn’t for her extraordinary personal effort and sacrifice, and uncompromising vision for TDi”.

We are so excited to introduce TDi’s new CEO, Anthea Smits, after a succession plan that we’ve been working through with our Board for the last two years.

Anthea joined TDi in March 2015 as Deputy-CEO after a diverse career in both corporate and community organisations. Anthea is both a seasoned entrepreneur and impact investor and combines an incredible work ethic with a love of people that allows her to deliver remarkable results in all the work she does. Anthea’s experience at building organisations and teams in both a domestic and international context positions her perfectly to lead TDi into it’s next stage of growth and development.

Bessi is looking forward to some much needed rest and relaxation and will be exploring new opportunities in 2018 that continue to build the impact investment market and broaden the horizon of what’s possible.

Please join us as we thank Bessi for her extraordinary work and wish her all the best on her next adventure, and congratulate Anthea as the incoming CEO of TDi.

As always, please let us know if you’d like to have a coffee and chat about doing good and making money.

– TDi Team.

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